Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I have a 40 gallon tank with?

two bala sharks, two silver dollars, a black ghost knife fish, two zebra danios and two angel fish. i have some tetra-min because they are all small fishies but none of them seem to be eating. i've had all of the fish for two days, will they adjust to the new food or is there a fish food that all of them can agree on?

Should i stand up to, or Ignore these girls on my dance team?

You need to do something about these bratty girls. I personally think that you should go up to the girls and tell them how you feel about their behavior and make sure that you say that you still want to be friends...or at least act like it. Or tell your dance teacher and tell him/her to put on a "team meeting" so you can all tell each other how you feel. If NOTHING works, then you should maybe consider going on a different dance team because you seem like your too good for this nonsense. Take it from me, I'm a Cheerleader for a college basketball and football team, and I had some of the same problems. But instead of letting it go on and on, we all went up to eachother and we said how we felt. And it truly made us feel better, and we weren't uncomfortable at practices or at games.

How can you tell a male quaking aspen from a female?

I am going to plant some quaking aspens on my property and have been told that the females sprout colons? If this is true how can you tell the difference? How do you get rid of them after they start coming up?

Would Jay Cutler and Brian Urlacher be toted as best if they won the Super Bowl?

Yes, with the exception of Eli Manning, the best quarterback every offseason is the guy who won the Super Bowl. Brady and Manning are constants, but look at what winning the big one has done for Roethlisberger, Brees, and Rodgers. It seems to give them the jump from good to elite. If the Cowboys or Rams couldnt win it though, I would like to see the Bears go all the way, Cutler deserves it after all the crap he's gotten and I've always liked Urlacher.

Whats A Better Username?

Gir! If you name yourself Eegie people will go like WTF does that mean! (not trying to hate). And with Gir they will go like "THAT NAME IS AMAZING!!!! IM SO JEALOUS!!" lol pick Gir (^_^)

Can you name a few drama you witnessed here in polls and surveys?

now i understand...** 11.smitty.a who ever keeps sending that ghost picture is pissin- alot of people off. but that's it..this is yahoo not yawar.**

Did you know Raza studies make imilation impossible raza books say “We have got to eliminate the gringo?

You are taking things out of content and using EXAMPLES OF certain beliefs in the book as representation of the BELIFS OF THE BOOK and as thus you need to study up!

Computer will not boot to bios?

If it's not RAM or CPU, it could be mainboard :-(. As the other person who responded said, if you can test your memory modules in another machine o borrow some other modules to test in yours, that would be a good idea. Also, if you have multiple memory modules you can try them out one at a time to see if you can isolate the problem. Good luck.

If the US has already ensured and protected equality with each individual, then can Feminism in this day..?

Affirmative action says that because of prejudice you are not given an equal chance to succeed, or show your worth by employers, so the government is going to force employers to give you a chance to prove yourself. Affirmative action was a success for blacks, and if it is used for other groups who are not equally represented, why specifically leave out women?

I have to make a brochure on puppy care?

I have to make a brochure about caring for your new puppy for the vet I work at, what should I include in it? Its only one page back and front and I have already decided to include food, vaccines, parasites, and grooming. I need one more subject to put in.

The man that I love is travelling to his hometown , is this a good message to write to him?

Your letter is very lovely and touching, But he has a boyfriend that he's loyal to so is your letter going to mean anything to him. You are expressing your love to someone that is already involved with another man. I don't think that your letter will matter to him. And it's almost like you are begging him not to forget you. You say that you want him to cry when he reads your letter. Do you honestly think that he's going to do that? Did you date the guy or were you just friends? If you guys dated then how can he say that he's loyal to his boyfriend? No matter if you dated or not you are writing a love letter to someone that you can never have. Is it really worth it? Why torture yourself for a guy that you already know belongs to another guy. I'm not trying to be mean here but why do you think that it's important for you to write a letter to someone that you know you will never have a relationship with.

What do you think of this poem? What do you think it means?

I thought it was boring, I didn't understand it well it was to long and hard to understand try a rap about you'll do way much better!

Where can I find high heel work boots, like construction worker yellow suede boots with highheels?

Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce have worn them too, but Jennifer�s are Manolos. They lace up and are suede or leather, usually yellow or beige with a darker brown at the top.

Any Emerson, Lake & Palmer fans?

I don't know a whole lot about them, and I only know a handful of their songs, but I think they're worth mentioning. What do you think? Can anyone suggest some songs by them for me?

Help about nasal cleaning?

Since I've been congested for the past week,I decided to use a similar Neti pot technique(not exactly the same)So i added about 1 teaspoon of iodized salt(i know its WAY too much!and its not the right salt)But i only found out later.Afterwards,i flushed my nose with fresh warm water to try and get all the remaining salt water out.My question is,Is there a certain risk of salt water being left over,and later on evaporating in my sinuses ? and please no rude comments

Would of hilary clinton would of won if she never drop out of the precidental race?

WOULD HAVE OR WOULD'VE not WOULD OF, its basic phucking grammar. Jeezus what has happened to our country?

Half life calculations quick help please?

The half life of radioactive isotope 226 Ra is 1599 years. The amount left after 10000 yrs is 0.5g. Find the initial quantity and the amount after 1000 years. please show your work and explain thoroughly. Thank you!!

Universal Healthcare with NPO?

From my own little bit of experience as an insider in a non-profit healthcare facility, I was struck by the fact that it seemed as profit-driven as the others. I do believe that non-profit anything in the healthcare field would be the same, whether insurance or whatever. Here's why, and here's where a bit of what I consider corruption comes in: There's a yearly budget just like in a for-profit, and the administrator and top staff try to make the bottom line look great: meet the budget or exceed it--that is, keep costs way down so there's some left over. So where does that excess money go? For patients, you would think. That's their formally-stated mission, their reason-for-being. Nope. It goes into the pockets of the top staff as a bonus for having a great year (at least in some and I presume in most). So that does work the same as the profit motive after all. They can line their own pockets if they keep costs down--even if it hurts patients. Of course they can always tell themselves stuff like "if we cut such and such costs it really helps patients in the long run" or some rationalization like that. So after observing this I'm not sure whether perhaps the profit motive may actually be better and less prone to corruption. Strange thought, but if you've seen this in action... Sure they're audited, but... No, in some ways, the profit motive does keep people on the straight and narrow; there may be more consequences if they play around with the money than there would be in a non-profit. Just a thought. Did you ever read Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, explaining why, just why, the profit motive can encourage honorable behavior--good for the wider world the person lives in too? Just a thought, like I said.

Homework help?

Can anyone help me find any kind of statistical data that is not too big, it needs to be a data that includes the countries categorized on the location they are at

Can someone help me with my BBT chart, a little confused?

It looks like you haven't ovulated yet, to be honest. This might be an annovulatory cycle, or maybe you just ovulate late. Fertility Friend hasn't pinned any ovulation, and I don't think you have either and I'm very experienced with charting through FF. Luteal phase defect is when your luteal phase is 10 days or less, and since you haven't ovulated yet there is no way to know about that so far. I see no sustained upward thermal shift, and luteal phase isn't over until the day before your period starts so don't jump the gun on worrying about defect yet. You haven't listed any fertile CM yet, either, and no positive OPK, so I doubt that you've ovulated this cycle yet. Just be patient and keep temping. If you're worried that you breathe through your mouth at night, next cycle try temping lly. Mouth breathing can cause temperature to fluctuate up and down if you temp orally. Also, make sure you temp at the same time (within 30 minutes) each morning before moving out of bed after at least 3-4 hours of sleep. Good luck. Any questions, email me any time. Have you taken the email courses the FF courses through email? It's free and very informative.

What is the most disliked NRL team?

manly, oh and of course there is manly oh i better not leave out Manly...... They suck........ oh i do hate North Qld cowboys

How to make my hair into this colour?

That is a beautiful color! If your hair is naturally black, unfortunately, it's going to be impossible to lighten it THAT much without bleach. If you're going to go for it, I'd suggest going to a professional. Lightener can be really damaging to your hair, so go to someone who really knows what they are doing!

Darfur Genocide educational Videos?

I need to find a 5-12 minute video about the crisis in darfur to show at my school. I want it to be real, and tell all the horrible things that are happening, but it needs to be middle school appropiate. No gory dead bodies and not alot about the _issue. thanks.

Whats the best program to download music FREE and transfer to itunes?

Okay, so first you download the Ask and Record Toolbar from Then, you go to some music place (my favorite is and then click 'Record Audio' On the toolbar. It will start as soon as your computer starts playing music, and stop as soon as your computer stops playing music. It records any sound that your computer is told to play out of it's speakers, so it has as good quality as the original you're playing from your computer. When you're done, you can click 'stop recording', and a small window will pop up. You can look at that to see the name of the file you recorded, but you can also just exit out and then go into your computer's 'My Doents', and then into the 'Ask and Record' folder. Your song will be titled based on the date and time you recorded it. You can rename it, if you want, and then in iTunes, click 'File', 'Add file to library', and then choose your song. It will import it into iTunes, and then from their I ume you know how to get it onto your ipod. Hope that helps!

Why is the Martian probe failing when it has a chance to reveal new life?

Hey Vinny, two of the four previous answers already think Bush had something to do with it. I love people who think NASA waste's money. I wonder if European explorers were thought to waste money when America was first colonized.

Is it wrong to hate your parents?

Well, let me rephrase this, I don't hate my dad, but I really dislike my mom. The only time we gotten along was like around when I was 5 or 6, and that was an okay relationship. She's never really shown interest in me, usually falling asleep when we would watch movies together (only thing we ever did, and I mean she'd fall asleep when she had all the rest she can have). If we had a good time together as a mother and son, it would usually only last an hour before the verbal abuse starts. I've tried to help around the house, but was always criticized at the job I did, or she would pretend I never did. When I struggled through life as a teenager, whether it be at school, or with what men usually go through (like m*sturbation and what not), she was never there for me. I tried being the good son and tell her, but she would always make fun of me, or yell her head off and never tried to understand. I've tried to commit suicide multiple times, which then she would make fun of my failed attempts there, which then she would pretend to never remember. All and all, she loves to start arguments with me, being around her is just stressful. She really reminds me of Red Forman from that 70s Show, and sometimes worse. When around relatives, that's when she'll act proud of me, or not argue. I just really hate her, and was wondering if it be wrong once I moved out (should be next summer) if I lost all contact with her, and call the cops if she tries to visit to prevent her from seeing me if she later on has a change of heart? This isn't a joke because I've had it with her for 19 years.

Do light illuminating kettles emit radiation?

Hi there.I would just like to find out if whether light illuminating kettles give off any harmful radiation?????what is the source of their light??? please provide sources! Thank you! =D

Science Project... The effect of coconut milk and cytokinins on plant growth...Help!?

I am doing this science project explained in the question and what I am wonder is if can you grow a plant from a cutting (leaf and stem cutting) in a petri dish? I am planning to use the coconut milk (which contains the cytokinins which stimulate mitosis) in various percentages mixed with water to see which does would be most effective. Would this work? Any suggustions to make it better?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How much weight would I lose on a 3 week juice fast or a water fast?

I lost about 10 pounds in a month and a half by doing this when I was younger, im a male but meh.. The weight didn't come back either, probably because I didn't eat like a pig after losing it..Oh well.

Crafts to do with my baby?

She's 4 months old, turning 5 months next month and I want to find different crafts/ paintings whatever to do with her. Preferably with her hand/footprints. Any ideas or websites that have ideas and examples?? I want to cherish these moments with her.

AutoCad Question?

Hi, i'm a 16 year old student attending high school. i plan on going to college to become an architect and i was looking to use this cad program. I am in CAD in school right now and we use this program. My school will not give it to me and me and my parents cant afford to buy the software. Could anyone please help me and give me suggestions? I have already used the 30 day trial and I want to get to know the program better for my future job. If anyone has this program could you maybe send me the serial number and activation code? if so email me at If you don't want to send it could you please give me some suggestions?

High School cheerleading help please !?

okay, so iAm gong into 9h grade next year and iReally Want to be a cheerleader. iKnow most things for cheerleading but iWant to make sure iKnow it all. iCan do : The spilts left and right, herkie, cart wheel, round off, 1 hande cart wheel, 1 handed round off, Scorpian, working on my back hand spring, iCan do high kicks on both legs, umm... iHave a loud voice, iDont get embaressed or shy, im very outgoing, and ya iThink thats it. please comment on what else iNeed to know what to do. please and thank you !

Does anybody know who sings this song?

its somethig like: they dont know abut us how we get down when we get down i need you so i'm about to give it up to you tonight ill spend the night. i hope i see you in the morning when i wake up strecthing......... i don't know the rest.

I had with a taken man, what should i do?

well, yes, a rather long page if i may say. however the answer is pretty simple. married or taken men rarely leave their loved ones for another partner. if they do, they usually do the same to you

Now she is starting to attack me when i go to leave the room?

i moved her to our bathroom due 2 she didnt want to be in our closet its not dark due to the skylight, she crys and i go in and love on her but when i go to leave she attacks me yesterday i got milk for the first time very lil but not i get quit a bit will she be giving birth soon her tempuature is only 98 yesterday at 9pm it was 99.6 and thats when i noticed the milk her stomach fells hard like a rock is she ok

How to my bleed my oil burner?

Is it the pump you need to bleed or the boiler? If it's the pump, leave the system switched on and unscrew the big slot head screw on the top of the pump just a little big until water seeps out then tighten again.

Of what amount should i get the non judicial stamp paper for Annexure-I?

i am applying for fresh pport on form no. 1 and i have to submitt annexure-I on non judicial stamp paper attested by notary public.

Huawei Ascend from metro pcs vs Huawei Ascend from cricket. Which is better?

Which phone is better? Im looking for which phone has the better phone plan and oh has the better softwear ect. stuff like that

How Much is my Dumoulin 9MM shotgun worth?

The gun is a bit rusted but fully functional. Under the stock on the barrel is stamped JBL 8.4 1907. On top of the breach DEMOULIN&DELIEGE on the side of the breach FL.9M.c . Ammo is still available . Thanks

Can i put 17 inch alloys on my 2004 Renault clio?

if i put 17 inch alloys on my 2004 Renault clio would it affect the arches and what size tyre do i need to put on

FIREPLACE - What are fireplace covers called?

Fire screens. I cant find any I really like on ebay though, you might want to check other online retailers

Will my ex miss me if I no longer contact him?

Whether he misses you or not is irrelevant.He has already told you that he only wants a platonic relationship with you and feels happier without you. You are the one who needs to decide whether you can accept him on his terms and be happy with that decision. Since it is clear and apparent that you still love him and want to continue to date him, that makes it your issue. Hopefully you have learned something from this experience and regardless of the reasons why you acted as you did in this relationship that caused it to go the way it did would change how you act in your next one.

Who thinks Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton are bitches?

I wouldnt doubt it, especially Paris. She's way too self involved. I'm sure Nicole is too but I love her!

Me and my mate upset a close friend. How can we tell if she's never gonna forgive us?

Me and a close friend called emma were going clubbing in Leeds at the weekend and the plan was for us to book a hotel room and have a good time. Now a girl who is a mutual friend (although very close to me and more an aquaintance to emma) of both of us called Rachel asked me if she could tag along with us as she's really like to come. Now I didn't want her to come because eventhough I love her she is really boring on a night out because she dnt drink and gets bored easily etc. But I didn't have the heart to say no so said she could come. On the day I left my phone at Emma's house accidently so only Emma had a mobile and then she announced to me that she was going to ignore Rachel's calls so Rachel called and called and even drove to the hotel to try and get hold of us but we ignored it. I would not have ignored if I had had my phone but felt I couldn't go against Emma's wishes as I was staying with her. Basically like all girls we have argued every now and again over boys, bitching, immaturity etc but we've always made up. However this time is different. Normally if we argue Rachel will send a nasty text,then I will send a nasty text until eventually we make up. The point of the text is to express urself and gain an explanation but this time she has not done that. She has not messaged,called or even replied to my attempts to get in contact. It seems like she dnt even wanna hear what I have to say she just wants me out of her life. It's been three days now. What r the signs she never wants to be my friend again?

Where is the real place of heall and heaven ? like geographic speaking?

There are three "heavens". (Paul refers to 'the third heaven) 1)the air we breathe. 2)Starry space 3)Where YHVH lives, which is the middle 'star' of the 'sword' of Orion. Hell can refer to the grave. It can also refer to the 'lake of fire' which burns up sin and sinners after the resurrection of the wicked. That will cover all the earth, to totally destroy sin, so YAHOSHUA can make all things new, and very good.


I've decided to get a tattoo, and i've wanted one for a long time. My only problem is, i'm not quite sure what i want. I know i want something small below my belly on, but i just can't figure out what to get. I'm half chinese & swedish so i was thinking about getting something to represent my heritage. I don't want to get a chinese word tho, because everyone has them and they're so cliche. Any ideas on what i should get? I was kinda thinking something along the lines of a Jasmine flower or a small Monkey[i was born in the year of the monkey]. Just some type of symbolic animal/plant that would represent my chinese or swedish heritage.

Whats the best way to travel to daydream island?

We took Sunshine coaches out of Brisbane to is it Airlie Beach, then the ferry over to Daydream. We had to stay a day at the complex at Airlie Beach. We could have taken our rental, but we felt better sitting back and relaxing, and let someone else do the driving.

How is the Chilean government?

I want to study abroad in Chile and my dad has this crazy idea that it's still either communist or a dictatorship or whatever and not a stable government. Is any of this true?

I have an image that needs to be sharpened?

I have an image that needs to be sharpened but I don't have a program to do it and I don't wanta spend any money. Can anyone help?

How do you make a straw tower?

We are making a straw tower. Were making the base a pentagon. We have 75 straws. And inches of tape. It has to be inches tall, and able to hold a tennis ball for seconds. Have any help?

So should I go for it?

ok, I'm 15, and there's this girl I've known since we were like 3. I have always liked her, and she knows it. I just spent saturday working with her at a fair in Kansas. She stayed by me the whole day. We ate lunch together, just us. We went to a zoo like five minutes away and it was her idea. (we were there for an hour) Just me and her. Dr. Pepper is her favorite drink, so it was her idea for us to go get some. Then we ate dinner together. Then she wanted to ride on the night hay ride, just me and her. So we did and it was like a 45 minute hay ride, it was freezing cold. The whole ride we laughed and had a great time, with her attached onto my arm and shoulder. Then we had to figure rides to get home. There was a car with just 2 seats, and another with 5. She asked to go with me in the 2 seat car. She spent half car ride (now 12:30 at night) asleep on my shoulder, and then the other half resting her head under mine and snuggled up to me. Should I ask her for a deeper relationship, like boyfriend/girlfriend?

My GF's past is overly promiscuous -should I stay with her?

You keep using that word, "unconditionally." I do not think it means what you think it means.

Did Zac efron leave Vanessa H for Bonnie Wright?

No, it was just a rumor...and to the people above me, Bonnie is the actress who plays Ginny Weasley in Harry Potter. Eh, I think she's pretty.

I need help losing weight for my sister's wedding... its in a month and a half... plz help :)?

hi, i am 20 yrs old, 5.6 in height and weight 60 kgs. i need to be down to atleast 55kgs before my sisters wedding, which is at the end of oct. can someone plz recommend a sort of exercise plan or something? crash diets are absolutely useless for me since i am a full time student and i eat when i study so.... i would be grateful for any sort of help. plz plz plz plz plz help :) thanks!

Anyone else enjoy the Kenzie and Genaro novels by Dennis Lehane?

I actually started with Prayers for Rain not knowing it was a series. After that I started from the beginning and I'm just about finished with Gone Baby Gone. Just curious what others thought of those books.

Help!? What should I do? (Quickly please?!?)?

so i told my friend (jess) i would go with her to her aunts house for the summer. and i don't want to be rude and change my mind at the last minute. (we were going to leave this friday and its tuesday.) but my step dad might get a new job where he has to go to tx and my other friend (lil) could come down and meet me there. but the thing is i don't know when i'll be going to tx or how long i'll stay with lil. so i could leave in a week or i leave at the end of the summer. and i'd rather go spend time with jess at her aunts house then stay at my house and do nothing. but lil is moving in a couple of months and nobody knows where and so it might be the last time i see her in a couple of years. jess however lives about 15 minutes away from my house and we'll be going to the same school next year. at lil's house we will me riding her horses and i'll be helping her with barn work (which i don't mind doing because i love it) but at jess' aunt's house we will go to the lake and i'm not sure what else we'll do. can someone help me because i want to talk to someone about it but my mom is out of town and my step dad wont listen. so thanks anyone who answers sooo much!!

How much does your accountant charge your for your corp return?

I have a small LLC and my accountant charged me $1100. to prepare my federal return last year. Is this too much? I submit him my financials from QuickBooks and he does the rest.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How can people criticize Mann and AGW 'alarmists' and then cite Spencer and Christy?

I think some of these people must be paid lobbyists for the oil companies and other high-pollution industries. They seem to have nothing better to do with their time than to stay online all day and answer every question with "it's all a scam" and post inflammatory "questions" where they provide their own answers.

Bike rider hit me in parking lot. Who is at fault?

Dont worry about it. The guy obviously seems to know he wasn't riding normally and is in the wrong. Try to be more observant next time. Lucky you dont have a dent. Bikes do not have The Rule of the Road, everyone has to share. Sounds to me like you got your covered because you have a witness on your behalf.

Should I wear my hair straight down or in a messy bun?

I'm going to be wearing my white and purple pumas, a plain whiteish grayish shirt and black halfway down sweatpants how should I wear my hair


I made a bebo group and my picture comes up as a moderator, but I have since changed my picture and it still comes up with my old picture. How can I get it to change to my new picture?

Fedor Emelianenko vs mohammed ali?

for sure fedor would win. why? because im almost positive that ali had no experience in jiu-jitsu. so all fedor would have to do is get him in an easy rear naked choke or any other move that would put him to sleep, than kill him however he wanted to lol plain and simple.

If Jesus is God, does that mean God has a god?

No that does not mean god has a god. I am a christian and i go to church a lot.... And through the times jesus was born he was gods son and he became a god after death. So jesus is a god like jesus dad is too a god. They are like the same.

Any good bands you guys know?

i think u wud like 30 seconds to mars or maybe breathe carolina,my fave band is BFMV ,they r AWESOME!!!!!!!! MAYBE u wud like them?

What does this dream mean?

I think it's your subconscious brain letting your conscious brain know that some things are not controllable by the human race and someday everyone will believe that things as this could happen ------lots going on in the universe right now --anythings possible--Has this made you more aware of true science discoveries???or seek the truth from other sources???

Poll : what 2009 movie do you want to see.?

Thank you for adding X-Men Origins to the list this time, but Spidey 4 STILL doesn't come out until 2011.

Is there a cleanser that is delicate enough for soft leather shoes?

Just use Mothers Leather Cleaner. It’s made for all sorts of leather except suede. I use it on everything from shoes, jackets and even my car seats. Its great stuff just make sure that if you put too much on that you wipe off the access with a damn cloth or you’ll have a slight white residue which won’t hurt the leather but it will make it look not as nice.

What is the projected % of people who will contract H1N1 in Lebanon(the country) by the time it is finished?

Well a doctors' convention said that 1 million lebanese will contract swine flu and please it's not Israel it's palestine...:)

No water -- frozen pipes ?

If you have water pipes on the outer walls, that is usually the location of the freeze. Open all cabinet doors on cold nights. To thaw the pipes, run a hair dryer under the cabinet with the doors closed. Make sure that the dryer is in a position so not to cause a fire. It might take 3 - 4 hours to get the pipes to thaw out with the dryer.

Who noticed that Leanne M changed her name today??

She now calls herself faith! Look at her profile and you will see what a hatefull person she is! Yesterday she had people everywhere who were fed up with her and her viciuos emails...She lost 77 points in one day! She lies constantly and is a bigot. So who calls herself a christian! Check her out!! My question is who noticed??

Whats wrong with my ankle?

My left ankle hurts and it feels like i sprained it but I don't remember doing any thing. I dont know if this has to do with anything but i have sprained this ankle before awhile back. it hasnt really healed right. just yesturday it started hurting a little part around the ankle and now its hurting everywhere around my left ankle. what could it be? could it be a sprained ankle? could it be my bones? am i lacking any nutrition? It doesnt look swollen but i can feel my muscle being very tight and swollen inside. is there any medicine that i can take atm for the pain because im pregnant? WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Could you read the first of my story and tell me whats wrong with it?

I love it, I'm being 100% honest, its great. I don't know much about gramma apart from full stops, comma's, question marks etc...but I love this.

Stomach problems?

i have diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea for 1.5 months now. i have a history of ibs. diarrhea stops when i take the anti-diarrheal imodium but comes back when i stop it. there is no weight loss or much loss in energy levels. what should i do? how long will this spell of ibs last? there is no change if i try bland foods, the problem is equally bad irrespective of the kind of food ingested.

Ideal clic nf250 gas boiler trouble after changing the fan unit?

replaced the fan with a new one, working fine! put the casing back on, it stops working, take it off and its working fine again.... cant figure it out, checked everything again just to make sure...?

Weddings...who gets the choice?

Wow, I thought my husband was bad when we planned our wedding lol. I actually got married Valentine's Day of this year so this is all too fresh in my mind! What I did was remind him that is it traditionally the bride's day and that ultimately the focus will be on you (bride). Its just how it goes. But, this is also the 21st century and guys want a say in stuff...fine but there has to be compromises. Weddings are way too stressful for you and him to be fighting. You both have to be flexible. Just speak up a little, defiantly do not cave in because this a celebration of YOU and him. The day zooms by anyways and you don't even have a chance to eat or anything. Its like a blur. So keep your head up and breathe. It will work out.

Obtain my father's military record?

My father was Andrew Patrick Creswell born in Londonderry NI around 1925 ish. He joined the RAF in 1947/48 and was firsted posted to Germany. His wife's name was Phylis Mary Dockerty or Morris and he has 3 children, Ann born Dec 1948, Andrew born Nov 1947 and Steven born July 1956.

Can you help me with some homework? ?

this is the question. . tom added some calcium carbonate powder(crushed limstone) to some dilute hydrochloric acid in a conical flask..a reaction took place how could he tell??

In Grease the Musical who is Miss Lynch?

Does anybody know who she is because I got cast in that role and nobody knows who she is so the cant tell me. I've also looked on the Internet and haven't found anything about her. I would look in my script but the directors haven't received them yet. Please help.

Who would you play at RB2 for Week 11 from this list?

Geezz tough call but im rolling with Pierre Thomas. I know the Saints backfield is a headache but TB ranks dead last in run defense and it seems like the Saint roll with one RB each week last week Reggie got the ball so I thin thios week Thomas will get it b/c it keeps the opposing team from knowing thier gameplan

How does webcams work? are they really free?

the other day i came across a website about this chick, looks pretty hot. check her out mehorni(dot)com. Her name is Angela (So she said). Now when I went there, it is directed to another website where she claims she does "shows", I emailed her and she claims that it is free to join. Now I am wondering have anyone tried this? I went to the other website and when i tried to register it needed my credit card to verify my age.... wtf?? Will I ever get billed for no reason?

How's my fantasy baseball team?

you have a solid team, but i'd get rid of smoltz, he hasn't had any good games in awhile. also you might be able to sell high on mark reynolds. you have jones to back him up, so maybe he can get a good pitcher for him.

Call of duty 5 video card requirements?

I got cod5 a week ago and every time i try to play solo campaign i just get a black screen but i can hear the game play. my video card is a GMA 4500M i dont know if thats good enough. if it isnt how do i buy a new one and get someone to install it for me. also i have a toshiba laptop

Why is the film 'The Dark Knight' so successful?

Any opinions here, I just want to know how it has had such high box office hits. I'm thinking it may have something to do with Ledger's death.

Artwork help....ignment?

lol normally this is cheating but as long as its only description i think it's fine. basically i think you should have the aboroginals have this tiny amount of space in the center of this urban area and people bumping into them. eh? watcha think it shows that the people are disrepectful to them and won't share the land

Quilt question.How do you make one?

I need to know how to make a quilt step by step. What exact materials i would need and the entire process to make it.

How can I get him to back off?

lol well first off you never get with anyone who "just" got out of a long term relationship. i find that the other person often uses the next to continue in their mind that the relationship is still continuing. the best advice i can give you is stick it out till he finds someone else. save those text msgs and any other written contact between the two of you. if it comes down to it you might have to consider a restraining order. if words aren't getting through there's not much else you can do really. getting involved with anyone else would just seem foolish right now cause he'll probably try to sabotage any attempt at one. always think the worst of people. that way you'll be surprised when they do something good.

Crochet patter help needed?

I'm making a dolly tote-along binet and have come to something that just doesn't look right when i try to follow the pattern. The pattern reads"sc in next ch sp, ch 3, dc in next ch sp, ch 1, dc in sp between 2 dc, ch 1,*(dc in next ch sp,ch 1)2 times, dc in sp bewteen next 2 dc, ch 1; repeat from * around" okay i know the stitches but when i do what i think it says, it just doesn't seem right. If it helps the preceding rows are sc, ch 4, sc around and then dc, ch 1, dc, ch 1, dc in every other loop of the ch 4 from the row before.

What is up with michelle mccool???? dont look if you dont want to know?

i know that's what i have been saying to my self. i used to like her alot because was such a great wrestler but now ever since she lost her title she has gone insane i don't understand why but if she keeps it up she's going to get in trouble. im surprised she hasn't got in trouble yet. she is most definitely going crazy and i just don't know why she would want to take out her wrath on everyone else. also i have never heard the crowd boo a diva but they are booing her. even if the diva is a "bad" diva they still like her.

Why learn skate tricks backside AND frontside?

they are different tricks....and yes you should, it is more tricks you can do and you will look like a better skater having a trick down both ways

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cute or Tough name for this dog! the whole family is fighting!?

I've always liked the name Sky or Kiara for a female Yorkie. Kira or something interesting like that might work for your family so it sounds tough but cute at the same time.

Is it possible i have two personalities?

sometimes i'm just my normal anxious self.Then i can become so evil and angry in my thoughts and i don't have any value for life.I feel like i need to book myself in hell for some reason.I know i have an anxiety disorder and have always been weary of everybody around me since i was young for some reason.My dad was a violent alcoholic but i know he never hit me.When he used to start shouting and turn his music up really loud i used to put on my earphones and take myself to different place.I've always done this since i was young like i had my own fantasy in my head.Maybe that's got something to do with it.

When is the right time to kiss her?

i will go out with this girl i had realised that she likes me but scared of me a bit and always want me to the the actor, we will have lunch together and then have a walk in the park at night presumably. I real wanna kiss her that day to show her that i like her but the issue is when will i know is the right time to do it, I am just wondering if there are some signs that girls show during this time. I wana make sure i kissed her at the right time and she will want it that time. Thanks a lot.

How Can I Reword This?

Pearl is a symbol as much of a person in The Scarlet Letter. She has her own beliefs and sense of morality which are contrasted with Chillingworth's cold-hearted revenge.

Whats a good stoner movie?

thats unknown not grandma's boy of harold n kumar or how high or half baked those movies are well known just give me a good stoner movie 10 points best movie

Which movies were these actresses in?

Go to a href="" rel="nofollow" and enter their names. It will give you a complete list of everything they've ever appeared in.

Fibrotic scarring apex as medical disqualification for work permit in Kuwait?

? - A "fibrotic scar" in the apex of the lung may be due to an old, usually inactive exposure to tuberculosis or a fungus infection. Cancer is a much lower possibility. Yes, even though the skin tuberculin test for Tb was negative, it could be old Tb, not presently active. This is common. Still you are subject to whatever the health regulations are in Kuwait or wherever you work even though you are most likely NOT infectious.


OK ummm i wannt to c my inside controller plz help me i want to c all the lil chips and stuff so wat layout u find just give me the linnk or somthim

Student credit cards?

Its not good to cancel cards because it looks bad on your credit just dont use it. and the bad thing about amex is that alot of companies dont take it.

157 park snowboard Rome?

I have a Rome Machine 157 snowboard. Im about 6'0" 150 pounds. Im thinking about hitting up the park soon and im wondering if my board is about the correct size to do so. Its not the end of the world if its not, ill just make do, but im just curious about what size board i should have and such. thanks for any help.

Speak to us, with Enlightenment do you awake from the dream or awake within the dream?

We awake in different levels of the same dream, like floors in an elevator, higher levels of existence we can be aware of.

A fitting departure, yes or no?

A very fine Rhyme yes indeed, that call to duty I surely wouldn't heed. One more line and I'll keep it short and sweet, I'm so darn glad don't work for Uncle Pete. While I'm at it I'll confess, I'm also happy I don't work for NS. One more line this guy explains, I'll stick to railroadin' with my model trains.

Do you know of a .....?

No- Kill animal shelter around Marion North Carolina? My dog had 7 puppies and I cant find homes for them and I can afford to feed all of them. Please do not judge me. I take very good care of my animals but 7 puppies are alot. The momma is a stray I just kinda adopted when she came to my house. Any good advice is greatly appreciated. Any negative stuff will be reported. Thanks!!!

Does anyone really think that changing the president is going to alter anything?

I mean, 16 years ago we elected Clinton and same old bombing, same old war, same old cutting welfare, same old fascists dominating US politics. Barak won't get elected, Hilary won't fool anyone and McCain will win. Then we end the war in the Middle east, start one in Venezuela...

My gay atheist neighbors put a flashy bright gay lawn ornament on their lawn & it shines in my wndow at night?

Me and my boyfriend told them to take it away because its too bright and we cant sleep at night since it shines into our window and they leave it on all night. But they said that they wont remove it because its their lawn. We tried closing the curtains but it still shines enough light into our room to cause a disturbance. What should we do to resolve this situation politely? Please no rude answers or i will report you as soon as i see you being rude thank you and have a nice day

Baggy eyes, how to improve?

Umm, well get lots and lots of more sleep and also try to put hydration AVON cream on it, it really does work.

Why cant I let him go!?

Ok I am with a lovely guy, very caring, kind , has a few possesive issues, but hey no ones perfect... anyway curiousity got the better of me and i have had a casual fling over a year which a much older guy, i think i fell in love with him at once stage, but it is clear he is a loser and a jerk (he was married, no longer now tho as he got snapped with ANOTHER mitress) and was only ever using me (ignored me unless he thought he was going to get some , and totally disregards my feelings - i think he is emotionaly deprived lol) anyway despite all this i just can't seem to forget him and let him go, i finally cracked tonight and told him he is a jerk over txt but he just ignores me and his indifference drives me crazy! why can't i let it go!

I am manglik yes or no?

my date of birth 07-07-1981 at night 11.30 pm day tuesday my ques. i am manglik yes or no, my familys are very problems for my marraige realeted pls reply me and help me

Are there any american?

bikers who dont ride ( and will not ) ride a harley. ? what do you ride ?and what is your opinion of HDs ?

Ladies: I need help with makeup, please help?

try going to like Claire's or some girl store.. and i would get a light blue and glitter and light pink blush on your cheeks.. and just some lipgloss that makes your lips look shiny.. hope i helped(:

Question about late ovulation during your cycle?

I have irregular cycles but as of the last couple months they average about 30 days. This month I believe I ovulated on the 20th day based on past months, that would be late in the cycle for me but I had a day of a lot of lower abodmen cramping and the next morning I went to the bathroom and had a lot of ewcm very clear and throughout the day had it off and on prior to this I had no signs of ovulation and thought I wasnt going to. We bd hoping ttc. But despite the fact I normally have 30 day cycles would I need to wait the few extra days until 2 wks after possible ovulation before I can test.

How do people expect Straight people to not view them stereotypically when they have these parades?

I agree, it's the flamboyant ones who dress in drag, kiss and fondle in public and mince around that causes ordinary decent people to view all uals with suspicion.

Why do people get abortions?

i do not agree with people who get abortions. i would NEVER under any cirstance get an abortion. but you have to understand there are such things as ! it's horrible to be d, it's bad enough you have to live with the fact that it happened for your whole life let a lone live with a child that came from the incident, especially with a younger person. i'm seventeen years old and nine month s pregnant, i done it knowing the consequences, so i have taken on the responsibility. but it has been hard. and i don't think that a young girl should have to be forced into that after being forced to have ! but i do agree that in any other cirstances it's wrong. i wouldn't have one either way. but yeah. there's a reason that is somewhat understandable!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What does this word mean?

Last night i was studying in my boyfriends bed and he had fallen asleep beside me. Someone texted him and i opened his phone to text back (i usually do this while he is driving.. i wasnt trying to snoop) It was his cousin but i didnt know how to reply back because i didnt know what they were talking about so i looked in his outbox to see. but the last message wasnt to his cousin but to this girl. It said " do have some more pow? that sh-- was fire" i know this girl sells but im not sure what he was trying to buy. what does pow mean?

Why does my LG BD player only plays DVDs?

Because your question lacks details, I have to ask you dumb questions, like, is it hooked up to an HDTV? It probably is. Bluray players require updates in order for them to recognize the latest Bluray disc releases, I think. Even if that last sentence is inaccurate, they still do need to be updated from time to time. Go to the LG website and look for an update-download for your model.

What do you know of awakenings, spiritual adventures, and the human drama?

awakenings are like a leaf gently flipping over in the wind yet so profound because it is a real occurance .. they dont seek their own glory or announce their arrival .. they are just the simple Truth ..

How do you simultaneously adjust two thermometers from the same boiler?

When one room temperature is 75 degrees and the other room temperature is 68degrees in order to get the boiler working simultaneously , what degree should the lower temperature one adjust to?

I need to ask lawyer a question?

also do i need a lawyer .....what happens after a arrest for shoplifting ....47$ ..2 earrings ..iregret it .iwant to close the door on this ..its not tolerated ....ts a crime..ifeel totally ?????is what will happen before the judge besides the obvious what will he ask me ,can i ask to get this expunged so that my work applications do not need to be involved b/c that will pick up unfortunate issues.. i regret it ..and want to close the door on this ...i have to appear before a judge help is needed...

What are you listening to right now?

Well im actually watching One Tree Hill, so i'm listening to Dan Scott talking to a black homeless man.

Am i developing an eating disorder?

I recently started a diet about 3 weeks ago now. For the first week i ate so much food but ALL healthy. The second week i cut out carbs and 2 meals. This week ive just been eating bran cerial in the morning and a few friut. I am consistantly thinking about my weight and cry every day, i make sure i know what i am eating and how much, i feel huge even though people say im normal, i made myself purge 4 times, i have about 200-400 calories a day. And i cry when i eat some friut because i feel extremely guilty, am i starting an eating disorder?

Dietary questions?

i dont really count calories. i just take my time and enjoy the food im eating. i stop eating when my body is satisfied, not full. i dont want to have to spend the rest of my life counting calories! that gets annoying! just dont eat alot at once. food is going no where, you can always come back for more if your hungry.

I'm 13, I weigh 32 kgs and I'm about 5 feet. The doctor says that my wieght is perfect but...?

friends say I'm really thin. I eat a lot!!!!!! I just don't seem to get fatter. I don't look unhealthy or anything, I just look skinny for some wierd!!! What should I do and am I underwieght?

Every time I backspace then type in a letter, a second letter dissapears. How do i stop it?

for example, I typed the word "long" but I made a typo and it came out "lnng" so I backspaced one of the n's and put an "o" in its place, but then the second "n" dissapeared so i typed n again and the "g" dissapeared. How do i make it stop!? please help!

ENGLISH homework please help.?

Try a href="" rel="nofollow" or a href="" rel="nofollow" That's what I did while I was in school.

How can I get audio output from my computer to the receiver?

We are having trouble connecting our gateway computer to a new Sony receiver via optic cable. I have the cable hooked up to the BD on the receiver but no audio. I am pretty sure that digital out is selected. Is there a setting on my computer that needs to be changed?

Random This or That Survey!?

just so you know, nobody's going to answer because until somebody's 1-16 nobody cna be 17. so the community if you let it go that far will vote me as best answer for answering this :p

What is the latest date to take the sat to be a national merit finalist?

Im a junior, got a 224 on the psat in october. I will be named semifinalist next year, but what is the last date to take the sat to send to nmsc to get finalist? I want to take it in october as a senior.

Christians: Why is free will promoted as sound theology?

Just by taking a brief overview of the Bible you can tell that God's will was imposed, and not man's. What happened in the Garden of Eden was not God's slip up. After all, how did evil come about in the world. It wasn't man's will overpowering God's. Consider Rom 9:19, Thou wilt say then unto me , Why doth he yet find fault? For who has resisted His will (KJV). And verse 22, What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, enduring with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction (KJV). Paul wasn't asking a hypothetical question. So called atheist and others try to mock God by saying that surely a loving God would not condemn sinners who have not heard about salvation. Or the Himalayan monk five hundred miles from civilization, surely his god is good enough for him. Or they may ask, isn't my ignorance of truth enough to prevail against God's sovereignty. Consider another verse, John 17:12...I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition (Judas); that the scripture might be fulfilled. Does it sound like Judas had a free will? Could he have done any different? If you have any thoughts on this, please share them.

While one week halt at chicago my luggage can reach at india meanwhile?

it is safe. inform the carriers at chicago about your itenary. you may have to pay cloakroom charges

Do you think my grandma is embarring?

shes old so things are different for her and 4.80 for a pretzel is a lot. Older people do tend to be racist and most of the time they don't mean to be they were raised in a totally different era where is was a common thing(not that is was right). She may have overreacted a bit with the house but good lord she was worried about you. And to end all family is embarring

Help with a 'Titration and Neutralization' problem?

In a titration of H2SO4 with NaOH, 60 mL of 0.020 M NaOH was needed to neutralize 15 mL of H2SO4. What is the molarity of the acid? (Be sure to write the neutralization reaction).

Looking to upgrade my p4 2.8gz machine and I was wondering if this is good value for money..?

well i'm in the US and no idea on how pounds converts but i would say yeah thats a very solid machine and if its got a good mobo you will be able to overclock your CPU to 3 Ghz without any real risk. 4 Ghz if you want to up the cooling and really push it but doubt the mobo can handle that

What are some negative aspects of macbeth?

Ambitious and murderous, lacking in the skills to rule without tyranny.He is easily led, especially by his wife.

So is God cutting off his nose to spite his face?

As you see, the Xian model of God is flawed. Try coming up with your own idea of what God must be like. Or, give up and admit that we cannot understand it. Why should I presume to be able to tell someone else all about God? Humans don't even know about how we, ourselves, operate. How can we "interpret Scripture" to explain God Itself?

Blue light treatment?

I have bad acne. Didn't work at all for me. I think it works for people with mild acne, but if you've tried other prescription methods with a dermatologist and everything and that is not working, I doubt the blue light will work for you. It's not a very drastic procedure and you will not have drastic results.

Will the Iraqis wait until the U.S. troops leave in 2010 and then restart the war?

AS Soon as the sheites dont have the Americans around to save there es, the Sunnis will slaughter them and take over!

Since democracies seldom fight each other?

As much as democracies almost never fight wars with each other, do existing democracies have a national security interest in seeing democratization spread to china and other authoritarian states? If so, how can that interest be reconciled with the long-standing norm of non-interference in the internal affairs of other sovereign states?

What can you tell from this streamline map?

A Streamline map just tells you the flow of air without an reference to the speed. What this streamlines tells me that there is a good onshore flow off the Gulf of Mexico, so there will likely be good amount of low level moisture available if any convection is present or expected to develop. There is a surface low located in central Florida. There is also a surface boundary located from Northeast Texas to Southeast Oklahoma to northwest Arkansas. This boundary could be a cold front, a dry line, or some kind of boundary where surface winds are converging along. Based on the cyclonic circulation a the north end of this convergence line, I would say that the boundary would likely be a cold front which is attached or ociated with an low pressure trough. If there are thunderstorms, that would be the most likely place you will see them. There is nothing in this surface stream lines that would indicate anything unusual is going on in the Atlanta area that would concern me. So this streamline graphic will not be much help if you are doing research work on this weather event for Atlanta.

How to hide tampons in middle school?

well i recently bought a pack of tampons thank god !!! i was tired of using toilet paper!!! any ways my friend said tampons were gross which really hurt my feelings because i use them. she said a lot of mean things like " your like loosing your virginity to a tampons and that its like " it hurt my feelings but i think she doesnt know i use them because i never told her what i use. anyways she uses pads . how do i hide them at school? should i put one in before school then during lunch? i have 3 periods after lunch and this is my first time taking them to school. also what if she says something abut the tampons? what should i say that wont hurt or friendship?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Is there a freeware "free hand" program for web design?

I want to make a webpage, I already know what I want it to look like, I already know html but I want this to be easier and I want to be able to freely move objects (boxes etc) around on a page so when I publish it, 2 boxes can be next to each other, or touching, or 3 inches away, or even overlapping if I choose. Kind of like how microsoft paint is. Does anyone know any programs that allow you to move objects around freely like you could in microsoft paint before you publish it?

Momentum not conserved?

I understand that momentum is always conserved in an isolated system when no external forces are acting on it. So when there are external forces, does it mean that momentum is not conserved? Do those external forces have to be acting on the objects during a collision or before or both? Say someone pushes a cart which hits another cart is that push considered an external force? I'm confused..

Do I have Any Chance of getting into Duke, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Northwestern, Brown, Cornell, or UPenn?

Yes Yes Yes! you have an excellent chance of getting into all of those schools if you keep your gpa up and do good on the SAT.

Korn artwork pictures?

I want to see good pictures of nothing but Korn artwork. Googling, doesn't exactly help me. There is a lot, and it's more than just album. If you could help, (link me) that would be great.

The Iliad: Violent Imagery?

I am currently in the need of a very violent, disturbing quote from Homer's epic poem "The Iliad" and I was hoping that someone might be able to help me out.

Ok Pendulum - Propane Nightmares !!?

Ok i love this song... BUT there is a tune in it after he sings "bring it on home" which sounds like some sort of superhero music,, i really really recognize the song but i cant figure out were i know it from! i really need to know before i go nuts! can u pleaseee help!! x0

Do you think words, like terrorism,threat ,attack are using to hypnotize us?

it is clear now for the people who has open mind to see that BLAIR and BUSH have the same option,their intention from the begining to make our world less secure and to implement thier pitch dark project indifferent of the cost .they,ve chosen 10 Aug to declare again war against our security because they ,ve fallen in Afganistan,in Irak and the end ,war in Lebanone showed their bloody face,they do not care about anybody only about their ambitions and now, they try to do the same, threated us with terrorism which 100% does not exist,their messege clear give us time and more power to fight against terra not agaist terro.How can you believe this:terrorists hide Explosive in their hand,s bag,,do not see.. years of cautions,study,tech protections and the terrorist comes with his Bomb in his hand to kill us,if this happening then the terrorist is one of them and sending by them.please do not be a robot think alone!

Could you please help me with the following paragraph?( excerpts from my writing ignment)?

While it seems to me these suggested fees to reduce traffic jams are well intentioned, if they are not designed and implemented carefully, they may well create a public opinion backlash that creates more harm than the expected gains.

Why did our biggest economic boom coincide with the top US Marginal Income taxes ever?

Republicans like to say you can't tax a nation into prosperity, but ALL the best times we've had in this country were times of sharply progressive income taxes. The rich can afford more, plus they get more from govt., so I don't have a problem with them paying more.

What is your picks for week 7 in the NFL?

Bal, Ten, NYG, Min, Pit if their rb comes back from injury, NO, Dal, SD, HOU, IND, Was, NYJ, SEA if QB comes back from injury.

Poem abut life, lend me ur toughts! (:?

I think you did a really good job. I actually read it over a few times just now. I'm really impressed. This seems like something they would have students dissect and yze in school ;-) You don't need the commas in some of the places, although I understand that might just be your writing style. I hope you keep writing, you seem very talented. Very nice!!!

Over here!CLICK HERE!?

Chill out before you have a stroke!! The size you are now should be just fine. Since you don't mention some of the most important details like age, ( I can tell your female), height that you are now it's hard to say. You mention curviness and please tell me what guy isn't turned on by a good curvaceous female? Almost all of them that are worth a second glance. Those skinny legs jeans are not the only or cutest ones around and right now whatever looks good on you and not so much you like is the way to dress anyway. Why drop your sit-up reps unless because of your back? You most probably shouldn't be doing any of those exercises without your doctors okay because of your scoliosis in the first place. Your health should come first to you and right now why not enjoy who you are and not what you think you should look like. Chances are most of the people that know you probably wish they wore a size 9-13. That's the size that almost all those cute clothes are made for anyway. I am also willing to bet most of your friends think you look just fine the way you are and if not then they aren't a real friend. The people worth knowing will like you for who you are and not what you look like. I wish you would think about some of these things before doing something that might hurt you physically. Good luck and God Bless

What do you think of my presentation on Gulf of Tonkin?(Vietnam war)?

.Except for the fact that the Bay of Tonkin incident was a gigantic lie by president Johnson To escalate the war in Vietnam.The Maddox was accompanied by Sth Vietnam ships and was on a spying mission,There never was an attack then or later on any american naval vessels in international waters.During the whole Vietnam War.

How far can a mega tsunami travel inland?

I live in Leeds, England, 72km (46 miles) inland and 206 feet (63 m) above sea level. Would a mega tsunami reach us? I'm scared cuz asteroid debris might hit the ocean.

Is Intel GMA 4500 less than 512 MB? Can you explain ?

As said, such "cards" are no longer cards. Gpu's reached a point where they could cram most of the basic 2d low end functions on a chip for super cheap. So low end pc's get them for free on the motherboard, the ram is shared system memory, and thus slow. It doesn't matter because even if it had its own memory or more it wouldn't be able to do anything with it, its just that slow. 512MB or 128MB are meaningless numbers, in windows desktop you don't need anything near that for desktop use. And as said, these things are useless for games, so these are essentially empty marketing specs.

Programming C# Help Please?

I need to write a loop in the C# language that will be able to count how many vowels are written in a text box. If anyone can help that would be amazing.

Know any good goth names ?

im looking for a good goth name for my story and i need it for a girl. i want it to have an edge and be profound ..........i dont know i went thru alot of names and i couldn't decide. please and thankyou!

I just started a new job and i already have an issue.?

I just got hired by a grocery store in the produce department. I start tomorrow after school, working 5 hours. I do the same on wednesday and then again on saturday I work 7 hours. My problem is that during the interview, I only asked for 10-12 hours a week or 2 shifts. They've already thrown that out the window. I don't wanna ruin the job when i haven't started yet but I need to ask for less hours if i'm overtaken over the next two days. I need this job though to get university money and it has taken me months to find one. now I dunno if i should ask or not. God, life is so stressful. Plus i gotta study for my calculus test tomorrow...yay. Help me!

Can someone help me with this naruto song list, for amv's?

i would suggest that you put headstrong by Trapt for either naruto or sasuke. that should help for at least one of the characters. it is very nice. especially for the naruto sasuke fight at the falls. also where could i view your vids.

In week 3 who should i start felix jones or steve slanton?

id still start slaton, because jones wont even get the brunt of the carries even if barber is out, choice will

96 ford taurus in car obd2 not communicating with obd2 computer (handheld )?

i have a 96 taurus and i have a ses light on and went to the shop and they said that the obd2 computer on board was not send out a signal to their obd2 tester/code reader. could it be a fuse and what one if so

Wedding /decorating questions?

We are doing the same thing. My wedding colors are red, white and black. I am doing a center piece with roses and then I also got bubble bowls(paid 1.00 at garden ridge) and am going to cut the stem off of an opened rose and float it in water. I also have rose petals and gl rocks in red and black to ter on the table( I got a 1lb bag of rocks for .99 at hobby lobby). I am covering the tables with black tableclothes ( I purchased by the role at card and party factory for 14.99 and each covers 11 tables) and then covering them with lace tableclothes ( I am renting them for 75.00) Good luck and hope it helps!

Which WR's should I start?

Wayne and Floyd both have very good match ups and I would play them both. Even though Smith is out this week, I would give Wallace an edge over Manningham for the last spot. Both of them have tough match ups. The Raiders and Eagles have allowed the 4th and 5th fewest fantasy points to WRs this year. Oakland has allowed 2 more WR TDs. With Manningham on the road and Wallace at home plus Wallace currently outscoring Manningham by about a point and a half per game, Wallace is a safer play. It's close though.

Rate my fantasy baseball team.?

your team is good i would leave it as is. it prob hurt to have arod not with you for the first month of the season, mccann missed some time with an eye problem, hoffman started the season on the dl, harden, bedard, and liriano have also spent some time there, and pricestarted the season in the minors. considering all that your current place is pretty good so expect to climb the standings a little if they can stay healthy.

Why can't Athiests respect religion?

I don't mind Athiests not believing in God, as it is their prerogative, but why is it that when I post a question on here concerning religion (and I seldom do, because I know what will happen) it is immediately pounced on and I am plagued with answers concerning the "irrationality of religion"? I know that I should not let this get to me, but it really is troubling. Just as you do not like the Church condemning you for your beliefs, I do not like someone all but calling me an idiot for having chosen to believe in God. Live and let live.

Why do people think metalheads are one-dimensional in terms of musical preference?

metal is a very diverse genre. you have thrash, heavy(my 2 favorite) death, viking, black, folk, power, and then shiit metal. metalheads usually like clical music as well as rock, and maybe a TINY bit of rap. i tend to listen to thrash mostly, but i will listen to punk, rock, and a tiny tiny tiny bit of rap (6 songs out of 900)

Question for anyone who watched The Chopping Block last night?

What did you think of the show? I thought it was pretty dull. Also, I understand that Marco Pierre White is a more renowned chef than Gordon Ramsey and also did Hell's Kitchen (in the U.K.) before Gordon Ramsey did it in the U.S., but since Ramsey has had the American market cornered in this genre for a couple of years now, White kind of comes across as a Johnny Come Lately and a cheap Ramsey knock off, at least to me anyway. Your thoughts?

Will this work for me to get "Cut"?

heres what you do to get cut!!! your diet seems good. when you are at the gym do light weight for MANY reps!!! the lighter the weight and the more reps you do will cut your muscles.

Has this ever happened to you? Tim Curry?

Well i just recently found out that tim curry played in the pebble and the penguin. He is my fav actor and he is in my fav movie (rhps) and in my fav childhood movie )pebble and the penguin)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pain behind testicles... It is in the taint area and is a pain that comes and goes?

I have just been noticing this pain and behind my testicles that hurts off and on i have also had pain in my lower abdomen and im wondering what this might be?

How can I get my keyboard to function right?

I have a Toshiba a-45. The "tab, w, e, a, s, d, z, b" keys stopped working suddenly. No liquid was spilled and virus scans clean. The num lock is not on. Please help!!!

Whos is going to win B.J. Penn or Diego Sanchez.?

if Penn comes in shape like he did against Florian he's going to beat Sanchez. BJ has great boxing, at least equal to Sanchez, and Penn is one of the best jiu jitsu players in the game.

Would you allow my Storm Trooper to invade your ship?

I'd rather take a ride on the Death Star, than let your dirty Stormtrooper inside my Millennium Falcon.

What does "shiggering back" mean?

Hello, I've got a question about a word I never heard...I'm a musician from Italy, I was looking for a "laughing at" synonym whilst writing some lyrics, my south african friend suggested me "shiggering back at". Does it make sense? I'm used to write lyrics in British english because it's the type of english taught in Italy, and I never heard about shiggering back...Is it slang?

How would you rank Muse's studio albums from best to "worst"?

I'd rank them the same as you have, but the gap between absolution & origin is very small imo. Almost a tie, even.

Rate my Italian Sonnet please?

A sonnet is a 14-line poem. You're three lines short. And you need to look up iambic pentameter, the traditional meter for a sonnet. (If somebody told you that "10 syllables per line" is all you need for a sonnet, that person was mistaken.)

Find the angle theta such that the range is a maximum?

The range of a projectile fired with initial velocity Vo at angle theta with the horizontal is R=Vo^2sin2theta/g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.Find the angle theta such that the range is a maximum?

How well do Sealey faux leather couches hold up? I was not happy with faux suede?

Wouldn't you rather just buy a nice used leather couch off Craigslist? Fake leather sticks to your skin and just doesn't feel the same.

Travel around the world...?

it is a very good has to see the world if they can afford and getting good company will make it more interesting.i have been to a few places and have never regretted.if you go to one country,try and get as much information about the country and its holiday resorts and cost.also maps to get to where you want to go.the currency rates versus your own.then workout a budget and see how much you will enjoy.of course you will want to keep memories of the trip so do not forget your camera.

Why am i so judgemental about tattoos? and how can change that?

Maybe it was the way that you were brought up...... and to change your way of thinking actually think of the story behind the tattoo..... like one of my friends has his wife tattoo on his back and he got it their so even when he is away from her he will think about her before doing soething stuiped.

Is it fair to say that Western culture doesn't care or provide for the elderly as much as Eastern cultures do?

I am told quite often that Western countries don't respect and care for their elders as much as their Eastern counterparts do. I don't know any Eastern countries who provide state pensions(SS), welfare, subsidised or free housing, senior discounts, health care, transport etc all paid for by taxpayers money. Keep in mind that Western societies have to support three times the elderly population as Eastern cultures do. Maybe Eastern societies provide more emotional care and support for the elderly but when the elderly have built a nation based on monetary value how can you blame us when we support you financially? What are your thoughts on this?

Where can i find printable quizzles?

i have been looking for quizzles online that i can print out. i love these things. i am so good at them but i cant find them anywhere. we use them in school but my teachers have been no help at all please some one help me.

Why and how can Men disconnect from emotional intimacy>?

fwb this is what i see it! and if everything was as good as you say and all why did'nt he ask you to move with him ,,, cause he maybe hiding something!

Hey, everyone. i'm just informing you that i'm not dating Dj Pierre.?

I'm dating an asian guy. if you could remember my avatar from ages ago. i'm still dating him, not peirre. nor a black guys. Thank you

Does my little sister deserve saturday school?

She shouldn't get Saturday school because she DID her work however, he should of just marked points down for the mistake.

Metal And tattoos?

I have been born again but love metal music,especially Korn and most of my body is tattooed but love it.Would i go to hell just because of the music i listen to and that i love tattoos?Thank you for your answers

Is it just me, or does ufc and pride boast up their fighter's heights?

I think the biggest example of this was the Randy Couture fight against Brock Lesnar. Supposedly, Randy is 6 foot 2, and Lesnar 6 foot 3. But if you saw the fight, you would of noticed at the stare off before the bell. It looks like Randy barely reached Brocks nose. It must of been a 3-4 inch difference. Making Randy seem more like 5 11. And its not a big deal, i just wonder, why would they manipulate the heights?? I notice this with almost every fighter. GSP looks 5 8, BJ Penn looks 5 7. Hughes 5 7 Fedor 5 11. etc...

Help there are birds everywhere!?

About a week ago i woke up and there were black birds (presumably ravens) everywhere outside my house. when i was little i was attacked by a bird and have had a paralyzing fear ever since. they keep coming back at the same time everyday about 4 o clock now. this conflicts with my schedule as i get off of work about 345 and im too afraid to go home. they dont fly away at all. the other day i was off bc it was saturday. my girlfriend wanted me to go out with her about 4 oclock but the birds prevented me from going outside so she tried to come over. i wouldnt let her open the door bc i was afraid they would fly in so she broke up with me. these things are starting to ruin my life can anyone give me some advice?

Normal for a 5 month old to wake every 2 hours?!

try giving him some kind of cereal mixed in his bottle ummmmm may be some gas x or something maybe he is gy and he cant talk so he cant tell you what is wrong use a swaddler or a baby blanket to swaddle your lil one maybe he just wants to feel like he is being held but he really isnt.......have you tried different brands of pacifiers i had to use this one that looked like a nipple out of a bottle and was really big but that was the only one my son would even think about taking good luck with this

950 Watt enough for Dual ATI 5870 ?

I think it should be enough. I would get a power supply with more than one 12v rail. Most 950 watt ps will have more than one. A good place to calculate you needed wattage is

I want to lose 10 kgs. Am I working hard enough?

yea just be careful with your diet. usually increased exercise will lead to increased appetite. plan your meals beforehand and make sure you don't go over 1300 calories per day (or depending in what time period ur trying to lose it in, ur own height & current weight). best of luck!

Girls could she like me please help?

we look at each other lock eyes for about 10 seconds i normally look away.Today we talked for the first time today she was standing around i went up to her and said isnt there a play today she goes yeah its after recess i said isnt it about nazism or something she goes yeah.

Bbq for superbowl sunday need tips?

ok i want to bbq some ribs, chicken and sausage for the game i have a horizontal bbq smoker ive never used it before so i dnt know how long to cook the meat for or should i use wood or Charcoal so i need tips and advice thank you

Free Forms Online To Waive Parental Rights?

Termination of parental rights is a serious matter. Only a judge can authorize it and it is not as simple as sending in a signed and notarized form. Requires a hearing. Get a lawyer.

What does Lucy say after the get off the bus in Across the universe?

When they go to see Dr. someone I don't remeber his name but Lucy says something like I am me as something,I thought it was really cool what was it that she said? after Bono said the whole masturbating alligators bit.

Can anyone send me blueprints for any tube-chis open- wheeled race car?

Does anyone have a set of blueprints with dimensions for the tubes and roll cage and everything? My uncle, dad and I are wanting to build an open-wheeled racer but don't know where to start. We have access to many types of steel tubing and stuff like that, all we need is some numbers to get us started. Any type of old Indy Cars, Formula 1, Formula 2, Formula 3, Formula Vee, Formula Atlantic, Formula Ford, any of Lotus's Formula 1 or Indy Cars. Or ANYTHING else similar to this would be helpful. Thank you very much!

How long do hair extensions stay in?

Im going to a hair salon to get a colored hair extension on the back of my head, but just out of curiousity,about how long will it stay in?

Is Shawn Marion lucky to have trina?

Shawn Marion isnt with Trina, Kenyan Martin is, they dont even look alike maybe do some research next time buddy.

Does anyone else notice the Iran war mentioned in Daniel 8?

It seems that the US is going to break into four poles of power. Probably the UN and North American Union. Also, the antichrist is going to appear on the scene. Has anyone else noticed this?

Agree or disagree: Leonardo DiCaprio is the greatest actor from his generation?

If Lewis was the same generation, Donny, it would be him (he's pretty much one of if not the greatest living actor, simple. LAWL JK, he IS the best. And as good as Leo is, he does not stand up to Lewis), but he isn't, he's a boomer I think. I believe Philip Seymour Hoffman is better than DiCaprio though.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fun question. You're the #1 pick who gets to pick the teams. Which team from each division would you play for?

al east-rays al Central-royals al west- mariners nl east-nationals nl central- cardinals nl west- giants i am a hitter not a pitcher

Please, how do I fix my sore throat?

It seems like your in a dificult situation there.Well, what I would suggest is to keep sucking on throat lozengers and maybe try to get some honey.If that dosen't work then I would try another cup of tea.I would suggest staying warm.About having alot of saliva that is from the runny nose.I would try to get cold medicine for the runny nose.Other then that I think that you will be fine.

Briefly describe the mechanism by which explosive volcanic eruptions are thought to influence Earth's climate?

Well Volcanic erruptions are very violent and effect the immediate climate around it, it really depends on the sort of Volcano, normal volcanos like Mount St Helens effected its sourroundings by clogging up the atmosphere with ash, and Sulpher Dioxide which are both ejected from a volcano, a Super Volcano can cause a volcanic winter, in which the Sun's light is not allowed through the dust and ash in the atmosphere causing the surface temperture to go down dramatically, by about -20 degrees. but your main concern is the explosion if your around the Volcano which is from pressure build up and explodes.

There is no date on a web design contract. If they don't provide, when can I break?

I signed a contract with a web development company to develop a website. Pay X for doing Y (about $5k). It's been over 2 months, and I've seen only marginal snapshots of what has been completed. There is no mention of dates in the contract. At what point can I say, "you have had enough time, I'm not paying you"? I imagine that after some period the contract becomes void for nonperformance, yet I need to give them a reasonable amount of time to develop something.

Should churches get taxed? ?

I never noticed how much church and state are not TRULY separate until now. Now that I am older and with a family, I am now paying closer attention of how much "faith based" groups as George Bush stated in his Convention speech backing McCain, truly have in elections. Faith can be a beautiful and dangerous to man-kind at the same time. The KKK used faith as their shield and still burn and lynched Black people years ago, now Muslim extremists are using their Faith as a shield to wage war against those who they believe are against them. What I am trying to say is that: Our country is majority Christian, yet we are not hesitant to wage war and will not denounce Pres Bush and his "new" Geneva Convention attachment allowing torture on POW's. Our politicians attempt to stomp for the issues at hand, yet they are drawn back toward their religious affiliations to back them financially and are strongly held to p certain laws and regulations although biased. With such an influence still in politics, should churches be taxed and held accountable for their donations and recieivings?

Torn acl, HELP!!!!!!!!!?

First off I agree with your physical therapist about the procedure. I am not one that easily recommends procedures but this is one that needs to be done. You can function in most cases without the ligament but the internal damage will lead to premature degeneration of the knee possibly leading to the necessity of a total knee replacement. As for the tendon harvest from the hamstring, I am against that. The studies have shown that one of the contributing factors of a torn ACL is weak hamstrings. So to give up a portion of that muscle is going to make it weaker and in the long run could cause the ligament to fail. Talk this over with your physical therapist and orthopedist. Lastly as to the ice machine get it if you can for it will increase the recovery time sometimes as much as weeks. The major problem after the operation is swelling and the machine is designed to reduce the swelling by the application of compressed cold. It does a great job! As to how long, that is going to depend upon what the surgeon ultimately does in the knee. The surgeon should be able to give you an approximate time frame after the procedure. A word of advice at this point is to make both knees as strong as possible now. This means working the hamstrings as much as possible. After the procedure start to work your Right knee as soon as you can. The reason for this is the body has a carry over system that will cause the left knee to gain in strength and mobility. Good luck!

Call of Duty 4 or Enemy Territory: Quake Wars? (PS3)?

i have a PS3 and i heard amazin things about call of duty 4, but it just seems like another regular fps to me. ive never played quake before but it seems like the fast paced, halo-ish fps that has an awesome multiplayer. im lookin for a good single player and multiplayer mode. wat do u recommend?

How do I become a freemason in plymouth, Ca.?

I want to become a freemason in plymouth, Ca. but cant ever find someone at the temple. Is there another way ?

My Friends?

Lol, well I have nothing against, but if I ever meet him, I have lots of ideas of how to make Y!A better :)

Rate my fantasy football team 1-10?

You have a great QB and RB. Jamal Lewis is also a great back up RB. After that you don't have many positives. Your receivers all have the potential for a break out season, but all 5 of them could also only have mediocre seasons. You are also very weak at your TE spot with Celek and no back up. Your back up QB is also very weak with Campbell. I rate your team a 4 out of a possible 10. GL

Who are some famous dead people?!?!?!?

Cary Grant Audrey Hepburn Winston Churchill Richard Nixon Shah of Iran Florence Ballard Stalin David Ruffin JFK RFK Jayne Mansfield Sammy Davis jr Dominique Dunne

Advantages and disadvantages to emigrating to Australia?

I am a Brit, who is currently considering emigrating to Canberra, Australia. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of living there?

Light red haze around gums *dentists please?

i have this light red haze around my teeth like my gum line. its a thinker line as where i've seen pics of gingivitis and it doesn't appear to look like blood. my teeth do not bleed when i touch them, floss, or brush. what could it be or is it normal. you can't really tell until i take a flash light and look at it. i get regular dental check ups.

Are you kidding me, get real ??????

Hamas is holding victory celebrations among the ruins of Palestine. They are celebrating their defeat over Israel. What is wrong with these people? I am speaking primarily of the civilians. Why do they not see Hamas for the terrorist sham that it is. If they roust these people out of power, these people who brought down the wrath of Israel on them with cowardly rocket attacks against civilians, and then have the audacity to hide within their own population and bring death to their own women and children. Do they not see that Hamas is merely an ignorant puppet of Iran and Syria? Celebrating victory? give me a break , Israel could have turned the whole gaza strip into a pile of ash.

What is fashion AT THE MOMENT?

if you have a good sense of fashion and want a job then you should know whats in and whats not. just buy a fashion mag like normal girls do. if you don't read fashion mags then you're gonna have a tough time getting into the industry.

What color ugg boots should I get?

Tan like the orange one? I have them, I love them, never regretted getting them. If you really want a gray pair, I would recommend these 100%, they're awesome, I get compliments from everyone everytime I wear them: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is it safe to eat chicken that was thawed to room temp?

Yes, as long as you cook it as soon as it has thawed. Chicken with skin on is particularly dangerous if left uncooked.

Something just collapsed in my wall?

It sounds like your fireplace is collapsing most probably due to age.If I were you I would have a contracter come out and look at it but since you are renting, your landlord is obligated to take care of it. I hope I was able to help.

Chivas has won 2 games so far?..?

Wow two friendlies against incomplete teams Chivas must feel big! Vergara didnt buy any players for the Borregas. Another liguilla without the Chivas.

Why meiosis takes place when gametes are produced?

During gamete formation meiosis takes place to reduce the chromosome number of the diploid(2n) somatic cell to haploid(n) gametic cell .This is important in keeping the chromosome number constant in a species since during fertilization gametes(male & female) combine together to form zygote which is diploid in nature

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Help !!! RRS MODULO M...?

Suppose {r1,r2,...,r phi(m)} is a RRS mod m prove that { r1^k,r2^k,...,rphi(m)^k } is also a RRS mod m.

How do i get my 7 month old to sleep better?

My son is 7 months old and from day 1he has been a horrible sleeper..i am exhausted. ive tried everything, making sure he is feed enough, rocking him,singing lullabies, making sure he is comfortable and the temp in the room is right, etc.. i dont know what else to do. he gets up every hour and a half to 2 hrs, crying, either to be rocked or for a bottle. He is teething(he just got his second one in so maybe that could be it, but he is cranky all day from lack of sleep...HELP!!!

What is he saying to me guys? should i flirt or stay away?

i am a total flirt and sometimes i get called harsh names or get my heart broken...but its no big deal...just flirt and see what long as your hapy what does it matter what other people think and care.

Some punk *** kid stole my son's Blue Jeans?

I see where you are coming from, but calling all the kids' parents would make you look crazy. And, your son would get picked on BIG TIME! Let God handle it. He can get back at the kid MUCH WORSE than you can...

Alcohol with Amoxycillin?

Your safe to have a drink whilst taking this antibiotic, just dont drink to much as the antibiotic will make you feel like you have had more alcohol than you have actually had!

How can I help myself while pining (in quiet desperation) over my coworker?

Welcome to obsessionville-population..YOU! If this guy reads your question here...your gonna be a doormat/pincusion the rest of your life.

Going away need help?

im going away soon for 2 weeks and i was just wondering if there is anything i can do to my tank that will keep it in the safe zone ie ph and nitrates. And what will be better asking a friend to feed them or getting a automatic feeder? Its a 63 litre tank with a betta, glow lights tetras, 2 snails, red eye tetras, x ray tetra, black phantom tetras, white tip tetras, and 2 small algae eaters. In the next couple of weeks will have a frog. And have got a selection of live plants

Who thinks sanctions on Iran will ever work?

You have a country full of people who are willing to die for their convictions, whether right or wrong. Why would anyone reasonably expect that sanctions that may make their lives a little tougher will deter them from their goals?

When it's time will you go quietly or will you fight every inch of the way?

As Jenny says, I think I would not fight when it was time for me to go Home and sometimes I even look forward to that time. Perhaps I am also homesick.

Chemistry Help! Please! Family Emergency!?

if you dont know how many carbon atoms are in ethane you must be VERY behind- you better get a cgp revision guide if you want to p

I need a saur kraut and polish sausage soup recipe?

one that i can cook on the stove not the crock pot because i want to cook it for dinner tonight thanks!

I need some unrequited love songs.?

I'm in love with one of my best friends, however he likes this other girl. I've met her once and she seems amazing. I don't dare tell him how I feel for fear of messing up our friendship. I need unrequited love songs to maybe drop some hints to him. He likes Bon Jovi, Switchfoot, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Skillet, Third Day, Mearcy Me, Billy Joel, Linkin Park, A.D.A.P.T., DCG, The Sweet Yams, and Casting Crowns kind of music. Please help!!!

Family guy rain report bike biker?

does any one know what episode had the bike rider who kept saying "its a great way to stay in shape" it was hilarious thanks

What is it called when colors are ociated with sounds or music?

My music teacher told me last year that there is a condition (dont know what else to call it) where people go to an opera or something and think to themselves such things as "That was a very blue piece of music" I know it is mildly uncommon and he also told us some think Beethoven had something of the sort. In the one of his symphonies that goes dun-dun-dun-duuuuuuun.....dun-dun-dun-du… or something like that he imagined all these colors splatting up against the wall as if he were seeing it from perspective of the wall if that makes sense

99 Plymouth Breeze Issue?

My car starts a little hard. When you turn the key to start it takes a split second before it'll crank. The starter engages, hesitates, then cranks. It cranks just fine it just seems like it takes a little bit before it'll turn the flywheel. It seems like the battery has lost it's cranking amps but the meter says the CCA is 660. The battery is about 1 1/2 yr old. I had the electrical system checked twice - once at Firestone and once at Advance Auto. Both times the battery, alternator, and starter checked out fine. Had the battery terminals cleaned. Any suggestions as to what my probem could be? The guy at Advance Auto suggested maybe the ignition coil?

Tramon Williams still wants to be a member of the Green Bay Packers?

Tramon Williams is the only one of the three RFA’s to participate the Packers training, So he still wants to be a member of the Packers?

What is your favorite 'overture' or clical piece of music? Like Beethoven's "5th Symphony," "William Tell O?

-verture (The Lone Ranger Theme)," "The Nutcracker Suite," etc. You hear them in commercials and don't even realize they're clical pieces of music... Well anyway, answer carefully and thanks!!!

I feel so useless and insignificant?

Im in high school and I feel so useless I'm not good at anything...I'm like average for everything I do it seems! When it comes to to athletics I'm average, when it comes to school I'm pretty much average, socially I'm average, and I don't feel very important. I feel like I don't have much to offer to this world, but I for some reason have this strong sense of wanting to help this world and i don't feel like I can really offer that much...does anyone else feel like me?

Should i text him back?

So i stayed at this boys house tue night and wed night. I left this morning and drove an hr home and he talked to me on the phone the whole time. Then i went to sleep and woke up from 2 tex from him messages at 1pm he just now text me back at 12 am. Like damn should i text him back or no?that was 11 hours

I Don't Enjoy being fingered?

Okayy so im still a virgin and everytime i get fingered it hurts me.. I hate it cause its suposed to be enjoyable.. n then i start to think about having n how painfull that would be.. Is that not suposed to b an enjoyable experiance??

I downloaded 'low' by flo rida on limewire and it keeps skipping on my ipod touch even though....?

on my computer it works fine? I've downloaded loads of different versions of the same song but it still only keeps happening to that song?? why is this and can i fix it?

February Vacation?

My family is looking to go away this February. I know it's a tad bit short notice and prices will be higher, but this is probably one of the last big family vacations we will have for awhile. My family would like to go some place warm, preferably in North America, but nowhere in the United States. We’ve enjoyed all-inclusive resorts once before and are willing to do it again, but would also be willing to rent a house. I forgot to mention, there would be seven people. The one thing about renting a house is that some members of my family are a little weary of renting one in a foreign country and they think it may be a scam. We’ve talked about Costa Rica before, but I have no real clue where to go and what to see. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions before I see a travel agent. Thanks guys and have a Happy New Year!!

Tips on auditioning for Marion in the Music Man?

I'm auditioning for the Music Man Jr. soon and I really, really want to be cast as Marion. I need some tips on how I can make sure I stand out, channel her but still be myself, and be the best candidate. I have a pretty good voice, but its nothing next to a lot of people and I've also been acting for a long time. I'm 14 by the way. Thanks so much!

DIVIDEND - How is the dividends allotted by a company?

for example, if i hold a company's share for 11 months and if i sold the shares just before the day of divident declaration will i be eligible for dividend? likewise if i hold the share only for one day.. the day in which dividend is declared will i be eligible???

Help with Upgrading to Windows 7 + Disc Checking?

I'm currently tring to upgrade to windows 7 from windows vista however the upgrade requires that I 'back-up' my files before upgrading, so I open up Windows Back Up and Restore and procede to follow the on-screen instructions. However, when it finally comes down to business an alert pops up stating "The Disc C: has errors. Windows has detected a corruption on C:. You must check the disc for errors before it can be restored." So I issue a disc check and restart the computer. The Disc check completes itself however when I attemp to back-up again I still get the same message. Is anyone computer saavy and can help me? Please keep in mind that I am computer illiterate. Thanks!

Lovers or Friends???

I find that with some women who consider themselves as straight..LOL..but anyway...they are tense and it is harder for them to reach the prize if you will. So it may not have to do with you being friends is more about her comfort level and lack of experience with women. I find that going other routes usually work for someone who is nervous or just tense.


Ok, so I' need hlep with this Aztec guy named cuauhtemoc. Can anyone tell me anything about him? Just tell me as much as you know. I REALLY need help on this topic. You can also tell me about Montezuma, but i prefer Cuauhtemoc. Thank you SOOOO much!

Monday, August 8, 2011

7th Grade Question about Meiosis?

In meiosis, during Prophase 1, the chromosomes are crossed over. Therefore, meiosis creates a unique combination of chromosomes rather than to mitosis, in which exact copies are produced.

What is some happy music?

I have been felling down lately and music has always been a way for me to forget all my worrys. Does anybody know any good happy music?

Is this true love? (you can skim through the stuff if you want, i just need an opinion)?

he sounds like a great guy, i would pursue it. you have a special bond with him that other girls dont have. continue being best friends and you guys will gravitate to one another. be patient, you already have him darlin. best of luck. ps, yes it sounds like the makings for true love. congratulations.

Is Obama making the republicans stronger?

When his time is up, people laid off will have sold everything to survive, they will be willing to work for less money; because they will have difficulty finding a good paying job because businesses and wealthy individuals will be taxed more. History shows almost every president starts with a high approval rating,,,, dah, otherwise they wouldn't get elected,,, and by the time there term, or terms in office is up they are blamed for all the woes in society.

Should I have told off my "senior" aunt?

This 70 something woman who happens to be my aunt is going around slandering my name calling me a drunk, so I sent her a email and told her off (didn't cuss) -- just basically told her not to call me something that I'm not. She sent me an email back demanding that I apologize to her and that I'm the ONLY disrespectful niece she has and that she is going to call my mother and read her emails I sent her. I'm not apologizing -- I'm in my 50's.

Housing Choice Voucher Question. Please Help!!?

I have the housing choice voucher, but my credit is really really bad. Can I have a co signer on my lease with the voucher? I've been trying to get someone on the phone from The housing department, but I always get the voice mail system. Just wondering if anyone else has come across this problem. Thank you!

DVD to PSP format conversion, how to fix sound?

So I converted a DVD to mpeg4 format. The thing is, the sound on my psp for the video is terrible, its all grainy and muffled. How can I fix this? Im using DVD Fab Platinum, should I just change the audio bit rate from 24 kbps to 64 kbps when converting the DVD?

I have a microfiber couch and chair and need to know how to get stains out.?

It is oyster in color and my 2 year old has completely stained it up and the people tell me not to scrub it only blot it with the cleaner but its not working for me. The fabric comes off can I wash in machine or what do I do its only 5 months old and I'm really upset with how it looks. Please help me!!!

Computer programs?

does anyone know a program that lets me set a time to when the computer should start. for example if i come back from school iwant it turned on before i see it.

How does my fantasy football team look?

Watch out for C.J Spiller. He's right now, still 3rd string, but is really better then the 1st and 2nd string RB's. I feel he's going to be bumped to 1st and when he does, ou should consider swapping DeAngelo Williams out every week or so.

A poem. Goodnight everyone?

Is this about disillusionment with your muses, JD? because i like the others much better, they are richer, more mystical and charming. But that depends on what you were going for.

Question a asked two years ago?

At first thought it reminded me of the song by the streets but it's not that one sorry i cant help you.

Help me pick a book: Reading list inside?

I personally would pick Dragonsong because I like dragons, but that's just me. Oh, and I loved the Hunger Games!

Black Ops Glitch on HC S&D?

When alive, you can hear also-alive teammates. After death, you can hear every dead member on both teams. However, when on split-screen, if one dies and one is alive, I can hear EVERYBODY dead or alive from either team. Is it supposed to do that?

I have A LOT of can i help this?

i had a dream last night and it made me realize how much anger i have towards my family, particularly a step-sibling. in my dream i just kept punching this person and yelling at them, and yelling at everyone and it just felt so good to get the anger out. i don't act on my anger in real life, i am a very calm person and i think that's part of what contributes to my anger. i have no way to get it out in a healthy way. what's a good way to get the anger out of my system? i was thinking about maybe getting a punching bag or taking kickboxing, are there any other suggestions?

What do you think of my poem?

It is a good poem. It is very descriptive and sort of pushes those who read it to feel one way or the other, which is a good thing. Any poem that involves the reader in some manner, especially if it involves an emotional response, is well written in my opinion.

Can you be arrested for doing this?

I want to fight I'm in first year in a English public school many people fight in our year they get isolated (no breaks/lunches and you are in a room doing work on your own) but these fights a fights (slapping eachother and stuff) I punch kick elbow and knee I spent 4 years in tae kwon do and 2 years in kickboxing so I will throw a punch unlike the people that fight in this school so I can do damage will I be arrested if I fight like this?

I'm an atheist why do you believe in God?

I believe in God because God has given me the understanding and faith to believe. Sin, war and sickness is a result of the fall of man. It will continue until Christ's return. No one can follow all the laws of the Bible, I can not speak for the Quran. God tells us that no one is righteous only Christ, so if you are expecting anyone to live word for word by the Bible than you are expecting more than God. Atheists seem angry and hateful. s are caring people, more so than atheists. No the ends do not justify the means. No one knows how God was made. I asked my mother that question when I was 5 yrs old and she still hasn't answered it. If a person could answer that would mean they were God. I am not offended. Ridicule is something we Christians deal with, just as the uals do. I dare say that most atheists on this site would never get on here and call gays stupid. lazy or delusional, that would be uncool, but think nothing of calling others these names because they believe in God.

Liberals. Your verbiage is highly sophisticated. May you please help me out and define these words?

I loved your response to the question about the one thing you would change about America if you could, and I quote, "not bringing blacks to America". (Seriously folks, check out his answers to others questions. Enlightening)

How is "gl" symbolic of love or romance?

So I am thinking of having a wedding around the theme of "gl." I have always loved the visual and aesthetic properties of gl, whether it is a work of art or a window...but I would like to connect the theme to my wedding more directly. Does anyone know how the material gl might symbolize love, devotion, romance...anything wedding-like? I would like to be able to rationalize my theme with more than just "it's pretty" haha. Any love poems or reading involve gl and love, also? But most of all, if anyone has any ideas, metaphors, or examples of gl being related to love, please let me know! Thank you so much!!!!!!

Graphing inequalities?

how would you graph the two inequalities y-2+2x I know you would use dashed lines since they are inequalities, and that the first one would shade to the left because its less than and the second to the right because its greather than, but how do you graph the two lines to start with. is it that the number in front of x is the slope, and the other num,ber is the y intercept, or is it something different

Why would a friend do this to you?

Well "nearly lovers" doesn't mean anything. If you two are simply friends then you have no say in where he sits, etc. Clearly something is bugging him....maybe you act like you are a couple without actually being a couple (like being somewhat possessive of him) and he is just fed up. It is crazy to be "nearly lovers" for 14 years! You are either friends or lovers....not somewhere in between.

Why are so many Irish people cynical about people being born again or converted??

Have they been brainwashed by Priests for so long that they are addicted to human rites, and don't want a real baptism of the Holy Spirit or firm Faith????

I feel ugly and awkaward and depressed and I can't get a guy to notice me help!!!?

How old are you? Relax.....I'm sure you're beautiful. If you aren't happy with your appearence, change it. Try to work out. If you want to put on weight, eat higher calorie foods that are healthy for you, and more frequently. You can also try to do squats in the weight room. Squats work your complete lower body, and will help you develope curves. Not all men need . Plus, it sounds like you're very intelligent based on what you wrote. That counts for something. :)

Presidential asination question...6.5 Carcano Or .50 BMG?

Well civilians couldn't get a 50BMG in that time. .308 we hard to come by(if you know what i mean) 30-06 didn't really have good bullets then like you did for the 6.5caliber like the carcano. Yes there are a dozin of calibers then to pick from. Really if he did do it, which very doublty, because if there were three or more they might of all had a carcano, and got them cheep in a lot of rifles. Who knows thats why the JFK asination is still to me a huge myster

Is my grandmother right when she says I don't have to learn to cook?

Although people still believe women are the cooks in family's it is always a great idea for men to learn to cook some dishes as well. Women get tired and busy with kids/work and having a meal prepared for her is just a nice thing to for your GF/wife. You don't need to be an expert or anything but cooking is a great way to show affection.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What does this dream mean?

it means you are afraid of loosing her but subconsciously know you might at any moment, and you are trying to hold on to her

Hmmm i really dont know what to say but here about the sign of a Bby...?

Hmmmm it is my first time to share my stories in here...I been having my ist ultrasound and my Bby is already 16 weeks and 2 days last January 29 but its not shows their that it was a Baby boy or girl...Its was very excitement to see the screen of the computer that i saw my Bby...and the baby is okie is most in lying and it is 140 heart beat..Then February four i went back to my OBGYN, I showed her all the result of my examination and the baby is okie and now its 147 HB...She was telling me that it is Baby boy but don't know yet..Most of my friend telling me that i am always blooming and also i am very moody most of the time.And the said my Baby is a girl, hai i dont know which is true..I have observe before that my Cousin she is pregnant and her face look so dirty her neck and arm feet and it is Baby boy. I supposed to trust what the says to me but i am waiting my next Ultrasound to make sure the of my Bby. My now luk darker and my face round and baby is kickin'

Help with cash genie?

basically during the summer i took out a payday loan... the loan was paid back and comformation from cash genie was recieved for this... we still found they were taking out the odd �1 here and there so i went to the bank and cancelled their tranactions so they couldnt take out more money... anyway i got paid my wages today to find cash genie and take out just over �300! leaving me with not enough cash to pay the rent! i went to the bank and they said theres nothing they can do as they authorised the payment... i dont understand this as back in january we cancelled payment from cash genie... they taken out over �350 in total now after i paid them

Please help me with this chemistry problem? I can't figure it out.?

A patient has a radioisotope of iodine sample, 131 I , that is 1.7 x 10 exp.-4 M 131 Iodine.If the half life is 8.04 days, what fraction of the radioactivity remains after 31.0 days?

I need some parent help...?

I suggest just sitting them down and telling them. Don't be afraid of rejection or disappointment. If they get upset, just tell them that it's your dream. That's it's what you want to do. Don't let them control your future, Don't listen to negative comments, be strong. (sorry if this isn't helpful ^^;)

Am I missing anything??

A few suggestions... I've heard from several people that they wish they never would have used the wipes warmer because they get all brownish and dried out and the baby screams any time they are being changed where there isn't a warmer. Most pediatricians and hospitals will tell you to not use any lotion or baby powder either because it can actually be drying and to just use Aquaphor if needed. Also, if I could do it all again, I would skip the high chair and go for the booster chair with tray that you can strap on to a kitchen chair. I wish I never would have had my high chairs (I have twins) because they were always in the way. Try taking a cl at your hospital about babies... we got lots of good ideas from that too. Good luck! :)

Citing Web articles in M.L.A. please help?

Working on my final for cl where I have to summarize several articles online, and cite them in MLA form. I'm used to doing APA so this is kind of confusing to me! I know how to do in-text citations from printed materials such as books, but I'm not sure about articles, especially articles off of the web. Should I put the authors name and the line of text in parentheses, or is this not necessary. Should I just put the author's name? Or is there something completely else I'm supposed to do. Please help!!!!

Would you trade allen iverson for rudy gay in fantasy basketball?

I'm not sure whether to hold on to iverson and see if he puts up numbers like in the past or if i should deal him for rudy gay,

Judge Judy yesterday?

I was watching Judge Judy and the cable went out. The case was a girl suing another girl about a broken lease. The defendant was accusing the plaintiff of getting a new roommate. The plainiff said that she didn't. The defendant said the new roomate's name was Chris. Judge Judy was using the girls' own cell phones in court to call Chris and find out. Then our TV went out. Has anybody watched it and knows what happened? Thanks.

Chemistry Problems: Help?

Dont make the internet do your homework for you: that's lazy. I'll answer any general question you have though. Something along the lines of "What is an allotrope?" or, "How do you count electrons in ions?".

Wrestle section is any1 there......wq?

There are a lot of users in the wrestling section. I think that Jeff Hardy would make a better world champ because he is more entertaining to watch. He does high flying moves and puts his body on the line in every one of his match while Matt is more of a mat wrestler. Matt is better on the mic however which means he would be able to cut better promos then Jeff. So you can see it is hard to choose which hardy would be a better world champ but I'm going to say Jeff Hardy would.

Cancelling songs on limewire, but everytime I go back on they are there again!?

I keep cancelling songs from downloading on limewire (I usually realise I already have it or it is the wrong song) But everytime I go on limewire, like the day after or week after, the ones I cancelled are all there again... All still downloading. I just keep on cancelling them, why do they keep reappearing?!

Would be considered a reference book source?

im a junior in high school, im doing an annotated bibliography for a research paper on macbeth, would using be considered a reference book?

What is a good slogan for a cl t shirt?

i have to make a shirt for the junior cl that has a catchy slogan on it. The mascot is a wolf. The school name is san ramon valley high school

Any good idea for Vacations Spots in June?

Tampa Florida is nice, good shopping, Busch Gardens has one of the best roller coasters in the country, food is varied in price and ethnic style, and there is a beach closeby! Orlando is about 70 miles away for even more rollercoasters and shopping and food. You can check airplane rates and hotel rates at a href="" rel="nofollow" click on "book travel" and the next page will get you many options, as well as last minute getaways, book your hotel and airfare at the same time and save lots of money, its free to look, just plug in some dates and you will get prices, have fun!

I drank cranberry juice from a reusable straw and now im coughing up red, gooey stuff.?

Its not like a normal thing when ur nose gets clogged up or anything... Disgusting, i know. But i think it might be cause there's like mold or something in it? Ewww. But, ummm...... I umed it was clean since it was in the drawer with the other clean things, but then i remembered i had this cup that had a built in straw tjat got all moldy and icky.... Egghh. I wont go on but i just wanna know what might of happened?