Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should churches get taxed? ?

I never noticed how much church and state are not TRULY separate until now. Now that I am older and with a family, I am now paying closer attention of how much "faith based" groups as George Bush stated in his Convention speech backing McCain, truly have in elections. Faith can be a beautiful and dangerous to man-kind at the same time. The KKK used faith as their shield and still burn and lynched Black people years ago, now Muslim extremists are using their Faith as a shield to wage war against those who they believe are against them. What I am trying to say is that: Our country is majority Christian, yet we are not hesitant to wage war and will not denounce Pres Bush and his "new" Geneva Convention attachment allowing torture on POW's. Our politicians attempt to stomp for the issues at hand, yet they are drawn back toward their religious affiliations to back them financially and are strongly held to p certain laws and regulations although biased. With such an influence still in politics, should churches be taxed and held accountable for their donations and recieivings?

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