Friday, August 12, 2011

Do you think words, like terrorism,threat ,attack are using to hypnotize us?

it is clear now for the people who has open mind to see that BLAIR and BUSH have the same option,their intention from the begining to make our world less secure and to implement thier pitch dark project indifferent of the cost .they,ve chosen 10 Aug to declare again war against our security because they ,ve fallen in Afganistan,in Irak and the end ,war in Lebanone showed their bloody face,they do not care about anybody only about their ambitions and now, they try to do the same, threated us with terrorism which 100% does not exist,their messege clear give us time and more power to fight against terra not agaist terro.How can you believe this:terrorists hide Explosive in their hand,s bag,,do not see.. years of cautions,study,tech protections and the terrorist comes with his Bomb in his hand to kill us,if this happening then the terrorist is one of them and sending by them.please do not be a robot think alone!

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